Summer 2021 Schedule of Classes

In order to deliver the best and safest program for Summer 2021, our summer program will be functioning in two (2) parts, with almost all classes and workshops entirely online and planned evening and Fun Fridays activity held in person. We are excited to deliver dynamic and engaging courses and co-curricular activities both online and in person.

Questions about the Summer Program as well as other general details about the Urban Scholars can be found here.

STEM Courses

Class Title Math in 5
 Description:  Students heading into or leaving their sophomore year of high school are expected to have mastered certain mathematics skills and core concepts. This course is a simple refresher course in all the math topics you should know by now. It will explore and reinforce the fundamentals of algebra and geometry which includes an understanding of consumer math, number systems, measurements and ratios, geometric shapes and calculations, rational numbers and polynomials, and how to solve for the variables.  This course is essential for students who have taken and passed their Algebra and Geometry classes in the Spring Term and are scheduled to take their Regents Exams needed for graduation in the upcoming Fall Term. Students will be given the opportunity to earn prizes and gain insight on how math is used in everyday life.
Instructor:  Mathew Meangru
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur  9:00am – 10:15am  06/28 – 07/30
Mon – Thur 10:20am – 11:35am  06/28 – 07/30


Class Title Facing My Heritage
 Description: In this course students will discover DNA as scientists do today and explore how genomics has transformed our understanding of who we are and where we come from. The lessons in this course/unit will address the genetic concepts of inheritance and variation of traits by engaging students in the process of application of genomic research on human genetic variation, identity and ancestry. Students participate in a hands-on learning approach that emphasizes collecting data, analysis and comparison of data and drawing conclusions. The activities in this unit will center on what DNA information tells us about our identity and what it does not. Students will also consider the ethical and social implications of the study of human genetic information. Learn more…..
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur 9:00am – 10:15am  06/28 – 07/30



Class Title Introduction to Cyber Security
 Description: Data is valuable. With so much sensitive information online, learn the basic concepts needed to identify and protect yourself against common cyber threats and attacks including Malware and ransomware. Learn more….
Instructor:  TBA
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur  11:40am – 1:00pm  06/28 – 07/30


Class Title Drones 101 – Making a delivery
 Description: In this Course, students will develop the Python Programming skills needed for a possible Career in Coding.   Participants will learn all the basics you need in order to start programming autonomous drones; they will learn through hands-on experience from day one!Using a combination of interactive lessons, concept explanations, videos, puzzles, and DIY projects, students will start out learning the basics of drone software, then progress to actual python drone programming. Participants will then control a simulated drone and then for their final project control an actual drone with their own code to complete the assigned task.  The coding activities learned will build and reinforce STEM skills in geometry, art, math, and science.  Learn more….
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur  11:40am – 1:00pm  06/28 – 07/30

Foreign Language

Class Title Learn French
 Description:  In this course students will learn basic conversational french and discover the influence of the country of France and the language throughout the world. Students will also examine and research the French diaspora , the countries and territories that were under French rule. Students will choose a place from a region of the world including Africa, Caribbean , North America or Asia that was colonized by France.  They will explore the positive and negative influences of colonization with respect to social, political, educational, and the culture of the chosen country and its native people.  Learn more….
Instructor:  TBA
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur  11:40am – 1:00pm  06/28 – 07/30

Academic Writing

Class Title Fake News
 Description:  How can you distinguish between credible information and “fake news?” Reliable information is at the heart of what makes an effective democracy, yet many people find it harder to differentiate trustworthy journalism from propaganda. Increasingly, inaccurate information is shared on social networks and amplified by a growing number of explicitly partisan news outlets. This Teach-Out will examine the processes that generate both accurate and inaccurate news stories and the factors that lead people to believe those stories. Participants will gain skills to help them to distinguish fact from fiction.
Instructor:  TBA
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur 11:40am – 1:00pm  06/28 – 07/30


Class Title  Telling the story: Journalism 101
 Description: Sharing stories is a great way to connect with people. An interview is one of the most important ways to obtain information, to expand on information you get from other sources, and to clarify facts and see things from different perspectives. In hearing a story, you may relate to another person and identify with their situation. Digital storytelling is all around us, it adds to regular storytelling by allowing the storyteller to include images, pictures, music, and other things to their story. Videos, podcasts, and commercials use words paired with images to share meaningful stories with a wide range of people. Digital storytelling helps us connect to people no matter where they are located.
Instructor:  TBA
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur 10:20am – 11:35am  06/28 – 07/30


Class Title  Art of the Essay
 Description: How can you write essays that make readers nod and smile instead of yawn? Students will read and discuss a variety of well-crafted essays, and articles while focusing on their own style of writing. They will learn how to develop persuasive, research based essays and how to write rhetorical analysis of topics that they feel passionate about.- essays, films, etc.
Instructor:  TBA
Date and Times:  Mon – Thur  9:00am – 10:15pm  06/28 – 07/30

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